ext Thomas Perl <th.p...@gmail.com> writes:

> 2009/9/9 Marius Vollmer <marius.voll...@nokia.com>:
>> ext David Greaves <da...@dgreaves.com> writes:
>>> Hmm, seems like another solution would be to have the opt partition mounted 
>>> as
>>> /usr and install all the 'standard' stuff into /root_usr/ and preinstall
>>> symlinks into /usr -> /root_usr
>> Yeah, that would work but we unfortunately can only install into the
>> rootfs partition when creating FIASCO images, due to the tools that
>> create these images.
> I think David's suggestion would be more sane,

Yes, immensely so.

> as packages don't have to be changed (Debian packages normally install
> into /usr, so that's already standard and works well).

Exactly.  If we really want to split our roofs over two partitions, we
should put / and the first and /usr on the second.  No symlinks etc
would be needed; we can mount /usr as early as needed.

However, spreading the rootfs over two partitions makes things more
complicated, of course.  For example, preparing a FIASCO for the rootfs
now must prepare two filesystem images, and flashing such a FIASCO must
write to those two partitions.  This is of course doable, but it
requires changes that we are unfortunately not able to do for
Fremantle.  The shit hit the fan too late, you might say.

Moving /opt to a second partition can be done now, since /opt is
entirely empty and we do not need to include a filesystem image for it
in the FIASCO files.

It doesn't have to be /opt of course, we could have invented a new
directory such as /space and moved that to the big flash.  I think that
would have been cleaner, since we do not want any of the usual semantics
of /opt here, we just want to extent the size of the rootfs with some
hacks.  (That's why maemo-optify moves files into /opt/maemo/, to stay
out of the way of the real inhabitants of /opt.  More about this later.)

Now, what about the future?  Should we move /usr to a second partition?
I would say no.  Let's move the whole of / to the big flash.  This keeps
things simple; only one filesystem image to worry about.

In my ideal world, we would only have one big filesystem for everything.
This probably isn't possible, for two reasons:

 - We might want to continue to export /home/user/MyDocs as a
   block-device over USB for some time still, until we have a viable and
   proven replacement.

   This means that /home/usr/MyDocs should be on its own VFAT partition.

 - We want to reinstall the OS without destroying user content, and for
   robustness reasons, we want to reinstall the OS by writing a
   filesystem image to a partition (instead of deleting files and
   writing new ones in a existing filesystem).

   This means that /home should be in its own ext3 or ubifs partition.

I have good hopes that we eventually can get rid of the
/home/user/MyDocs partition, and that would leave us with a system with
two partitions: / and /home, which is fairly standard, I'd say.

> Would that really be a problem? Using /opt just seems wrong and
> nonstandard, sorry :/

Yes, but it's just a name. :-)  As I said, it would be better to do this
hack with /space instead of /opt/maemo/, but I think that's just a minor

> Think about http://wiki.maemo.org/Mainstream_Linux_Alignment, please :)

We will get rid of this abuse of /opt as fast as we can.
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