Hello, Simon!

2009/11/10 Simon Pickering <s.g.picker...@bath.ac.uk>:
> I'm looking for a geocoding library to run on the N900. I want to take
> the location string attached to those N900 using online contacts who
> provide it, and plot that on a map (Emerillon).
> Of course having to parse the message string and then do the geocoding
> is rather wasteful (of CPU, network traffic and accuracy) and it would
> be vastly more efficient and useful to just have a contact contain the
> raw lat/lon/accuracy data, but we've got to work with what we've got.
> GeoClue offers a geocoding api, but as we use liblocation rather than
> GeoClue, and as I remember someone saying at the summit (in the
> presentation on location stuff) that there would be an api to do
> (reverse)geocoding, I was just wondering if this is indeed the case and
> when we might see such a thing? Named libaddress perhaps?

Maybe this is what you want:



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