> > GeoClue offers a geocoding api, but as we use liblocation rather
> > GeoClue, and as I remember someone saying at the summit (in the
> > presentation on location stuff) that there would be an api to do
> > (reverse)geocoding, I was just wondering if this is indeed the case
> > when we might see such a thing? Named libaddress perhaps?
> Maybe this is what you want:
> http://maemo.org/api_refs/5.0/5.0-final/cityinfo/

Thanks for the pointer, but I think that api only has access to a
limited number of cities contained in the database used by the world
time app. This is on the device, which is an advantage, but I think I'll
have to use something like GeoClue or geonames.org to obtain enough
accuracy/range of cities.

Something is used to reverse genocide the liblocation supplied lat/lon
and to set the contact message location, so it may as well be available
for us to use rather than having to write our own for every app.



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