On 2010-04-27 23:30, Thomas Waelti <twae...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hell, frozen over. It took me four evenings, one hour each evening, to tinker 
and try and fail and try again. But now it loooks good:

(To test it, you need to have one or more saved playlists on your N900. Then open X-Term 
and enter "mafw-play-list NameOfYourPlayList" and it should start the playback 
of this playlist.)

Thanks for all the help and support - it's been a positive (community) but 
still frustrating (technology) experience :-)
I guess once you're spoiled by something like the Compact Framework and Visual 
Studio, a casual hoppy developer finds the current state of Maemo development 
quite difficult to accept...

Mainly, there was a major pitfall that I fell into:
- In configure.ac, pkg_check_modules, I had to put mafw and mafw-shared as 
- But in the Build-Depends of the control file, I had to write libmafw0-dev and 

Yes, perhaps I could make this a bit clearer in the wiki. Maybe a bit of dpkg magic to determine which package owns a particular pkg-config file would be helpful?

In addition, once something fails, it's still a bit unclear from the current 
docs about where to continue/repeat which steps.

Yes, this is hard to solve in such a compact tutorial, as there are lots of steps where something could fail, and it is difficult to find the right balance between proding too much and too little information. Contributions welcome ;)

David King | http://amigadave.com/ | dav...@openismus.com
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