I thought it might be an hardware issue...
Too bad, I'll try to find a workaround.

Many thanks

On Sat, 5 May 2012, Paolo Iommarini wrote:

I have a problem when three keys are pressed (I have the english keyboard).
There are some keys combination that generates an additional key press.
This seems a system bug.

It can be reproduced in any textbox (like the contact search).
If you press a+x+up arrow you'll see a "p".

I noticed it while using the Game Gripper with the psx emulator: pressing down+left+circle will end in a down+left+triangle+circle combination. I debugged the key-press-event and it is really getting a press event for the key "p" (code 33).

There are also other strange keys combination like
a+x+return = ","
a+x+. = "o."

Can someone please test it and say if it's really a system bug?

This is a hardware issue. And there are more combinations revealing this issue. See for example here:


I believe it is possible to recognize the fake key press/release events by analyzing the timing of those events, thus discarding these events and working around the hardware problem. But to my knowledge, noone has done it yet, and I do not expect anyone to actually do it.
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