2010/10/7 Kira <elegant.pega...@gmail.com>

> 在 Thu, 07 Oct 2010 13:29:25 +0800, Ahmad Samir <ahmadsamir3...@gmail.com
> >寫道:
>  No, konqueror is still useful as a file manager (some users don't like
>> dolphin for some  reason), also as a man pages viewer. Also it shares
>> some code with dolphin (some stuff/features don't work in dolphin if
>> konqueror isn't installed).
>>  That part of code should be split as independent share package, isn't it?
> Also, is it possible to use other browsers to do the same job? I think
> Konqueror should only in the full task package set you install kde4
> (task-kde4),
> not in the core task package set (task-kde4-minimal).

For me, Konqueror is the main application in my system. file manager and
browser. May be for others too

Dimitrios Glentadakis

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