On Mar 17, 2010, at 03:41 PM, Jennifer Redman wrote:

>I believe that there was a Code Sprint at  Pycon to work on the MM 3.0 UI
>(and other items).  Is there any place I can go to read about what has been
>implemented thus far in MM 3.0 and what features are still outstanding with
>regards to MM 3.0 and in particular the UI?

Hi Jen,

We did sprint on the MM3 web ui at Pycon, and I've been meaning to review the
work and publicize it more.  Florian, Jon, and Craig did some good work on
that side while I was reworking the REST infrastructure.

Their branches are here:


We decided to use Django and see how far we could get.  I think the experiment
worked well and I'm inclined to go with Django moving forward.  Perhaps
Florian can speak more about this, where he plans to go and how we can get
more people involved in this effort.  I think he and Patrick were even
considering putting up an experimental server so that we can being to play
with it.


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