* Barry Warsaw <ba...@list.org>:
> On Mar 17, 2010, at 03:41 PM, Jennifer Redman wrote:
> >I believe that there was a Code Sprint at  Pycon to work on the MM 3.0 UI
> >(and other items).  Is there any place I can go to read about what has been
> >implemented thus far in MM 3.0 and what features are still outstanding with
> >regards to MM 3.0 and in particular the UI?
> Hi Jen,
> We did sprint on the MM3 web ui at Pycon, and I've been meaning to review the
> work and publicize it more.  Florian, Jon, and Craig did some good work on
> that side while I was reworking the REST infrastructure.
> Their branches are here:
> https://code.edge.launchpad.net/mailmanweb
> We decided to use Django and see how far we could get.  I think the experiment
> worked well and I'm inclined to go with Django moving forward.  Perhaps
> Florian can speak more about this, where he plans to go and how we can get
> more people involved in this effort.  I think he and Patrick were even
> considering putting up an experimental server so that we can being to play
> with it.

The server is up and almost ready to play with. Florian wanted to check a few
things the other day and ping you offlist on this and that.


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