OK I have tried that, and it doesn't work. It changed all the other urls apart from the one that I want changed, which stays as "snoopy.mydomain.com/pipermail/<listname>".


Try using ~mailman/bin/fix_url.py. There are examples in the file on
how to use it.

Changing the url in 2.1 is much harder than in 2.0. The change was
intentional - to keep folks from shooting themselves in the foot
(changing the url spuriously and then never being able to fix it since
they only have web access).

Jon Carnes

On Thu, 2003-02-13 at 07:13, Graham Lillico wrote:
> Hi
> I have just upgraded to 2.1 and managed to move my lists over to the new
> machine. I have however hit a problem. The link on the mailing list info
> page for the Archive is pointing to the wrong address. It should point to
> "www.client.org/pipermail/<listname>" but it is pointing to
> "snoopy.mydomain.com/pipermail/<listname>". The machine that runs the lists
> accepts email for multiple domains using qmail.
> I set up the list using "newlist <listname>@www.client.org" and then went
> into the admin screen and changed the hostname from "www.client.org" to
> "client.org". All the other links seem to be using the correct url.
> Does anyone know how this can be changed? It worked find in 2.0, by
> changing the "base url".
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