David Andrews wrote:

>At 09:50 PM 9/19/2006, you wrote:
>>Dave Troiano wrote:
>> >
>> >When I try to do this, I receive the following error
>> >message:
>> >
>> >"Note: The list administrator may not view the other
>> >subscriptions for
>> >this
>> >user."
>> >
>>Why should the admin of one list be allowed to view/change information
>>for a user's other subscriptions to lists of which she/he may not be
>>the admin?
>> >Does anyone know of a way to resolve this
>> >issue so that I may
>> >see
>> >what other lists a specific member is on?
>>If you are the site admin, log on with the site password and you will
>>be able to do this. If you are not the site admin, but you have access
>>to the command line scripts, use bin/find_member.
>I have one idea as to the cause, as I am having the same problem.  Up 
>through versions 2.1.6 I was able to see the other subscriptions of a 
>user, but get the same error message as does Dave.

This is because current behavior was first implemented in 2.1.7.

>I have done something, which is probably bad practice, etc..... but 
>it is done.  I have used the same password for the system admin and 
>site admins, as I too own all the lists -- I have about 100.  So, up 
>through 2.1.6 it must have taken me as system admin, 2.1.8 now 
>possibly sees me as site admin.

Actually, it always takes you as the list admin, not the site admin.
The site admin is allowed to see the user's other subscriptions, the
list admin is not since 2.1.7.

>Is there any way around this?? I can access the command line scripts, 
>but for reasons I won't get into here, it is not my favorite method.

Change the site admin password to be different from the list admin
password and use the stie admin password when you need that function.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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