Jim Popovitch via Mailman-Users writes:

 > Wait, so you do want to continue to support mm2 users, but you don't
 > want to support them in any fashion if someone else other than you and
 > Mark manages just the new features?

That's right.

Currently Mark and I have a tolerable balance between the burden of
work that is intrinsically not very rewarding, the value that we get
from serving our users, and the knowledge that the burden is steadily
decreasing.  That decrease depends on the feature freeze.

You propose to remove the freeze, and indeed suggest that Mailman 2
even has a long-term growth story via rewriting in Python 3.  I am not
signed up for a slower decline in the user base, let alone growth, and
I think it's safe to say neither is Mark.

Here's the problem.

 > I think the genuine problem here is that it's a 2 man show when it
 > should be a much larger body.

You're right.  If we're going to reopen the Mailman 2 branch to new
features, there should be a much larger body.  So where is it?  Mark
and I are not special.  We're merely here every day, we have acquired
a lot of knowledge about common issues, and we dig into the code or
the user's configuration when that's needed to solve a problem.  You
don't need to have a title, an @mailman email address, or a commit bit
to do any of that.

You just do it.

It's *easy* to learn to support users, at least the relatively
sophisticated, often service-oriented admins we see on most days.  So
where are the folks who "just do it" and show day-to-day attachment to
supporting other users?

Bottom line: When do we get to retire?  What happens to our *users*
when we do?  Eventually (ie, within 3 years or so) that *is* going to
happen.  What are you going to do for our users?

"Manage just the new features" sounds like a terrible deal for the
vast majority of admins and subscribers, and a very bad look for GNU

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