On 10 Oct 2014, at 16:51, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

I have no idea what I have actually hit, but it wasn't the "Temporarily ignore those messages" button for sure. How do I get the window back? Any place to reset that notice?

Quit MailMate and then look for `ignoreFailedUIDs` in this file:

        ~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Messages/IMAP/.../State.plist

You can just remove the line and the warning should return on restart.

Okay, that's a little weird. I can't seem to find that particular line in any folder below IMAP.

$ grep -r "ignoreFailedUIDs" *
mail%40lars-ippich...@ginger.fastspace.de/INBOX.mailbox/Messages/180620.eml:Quit MailMate and then look for `ignoreFailedUIDs` in this file: mail%40lars-ippich...@ginger.fastspace.de/INBOX.mailbox/Messages/180620.eml:<p dir=3D"auto">Quit MailMate and then look for <code>ignoreFailedUIDs</c=

That only gives me this e-mail, but shouldn't there be more (= the plist file)? After all, not a big thing, I'm just a bit confused as to what has happened here.
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