
On Tue, Nov 28, 2023 at 12:54:13PM +0200, Mary via mailop wrote:
> X-mail_abuse_inquiries: http://www.salesforce.com/company/abuse.jsp

I reported a similar phishing spam to Salesforce a few days ago. I
can't believe in this day and age that the above URL in its first
paragraph on how to report email abuse says:

    If you have received unsolicited email from a Salesforce user,
    replying to that user to let them know that you would like to
    opt out of future emailings should resolve the problem.

No, sorry, I'm not encouraging my users or anyone else to interact
with what are at best write-only spam factories and at worst
seasoned social engineers. What an absurd thing to suggest as the
first step once it has got to the stage of anything that the
recipient considers to be abuse.


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