On 1/31/06, Linda W <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> demerphq wrote:
> > Personally I dont see the issue.  The module explains in detail about
> > this subject so i cant see people using it having a problem. Its not
> > like its going to be randomly loaded into someones namespace without
> > them knowing.
> ---
>         Another problem with adding TieRegistry is that it is not
> 16-bit clean for use with NT (XP+) based registries.  Is that something
> one would want as example or utility code in in the "Core" Perl distribution?

Compared to not having the ability at all? No question there. Of course i would.

Can you please clarify what you mean with NT (XP+) based registries?
Ive used Win32::TieRegistry on Win2k and on XP without problems....

> While suitable for many user-created key and value names, I'm not sure what
> conversions Perl might need to access keynames like {0xd800,0xdc00,0} --
> which I am told, for example, corresponds to 1 Unicode character when
> interpreting it as UTF-16 or UCS2, but is stored in 2 w_char values (followed
> by null).  The Win32 registry would also see {0xd800,0} as a perfectly valid
> key or value name, but it isn't convertable to Unicode or ASCII.

Isnt this just a matter of caveat emptor? If you are messing around
with the registry you better know what you are doing.

Perls philosophy has always been explicitly to give the programmer
sufficient rope that they can hang themselves. Why do you think that
what youve outlined should be treated differently?

>         The NT-based registry uses 16-bit binary "blobs" (wchar_t) that
> are not, *strictly*, interpretable as UTF-16, UCS2 or any standard
> character set.  As such, they aren't suitable for being converted to a
> printable ASCII or Unicode string that can be manipulated with Perl's
> standard string functions.
 >         TieRegistry and the 8-bit, char-based, Win32 functions only
> work for names that are equivalent to some 'ASCII-like', subset
> composed of 8-bit char types.
>         This should be made clear for anyone using the Win32 routines: it's
> not about supporting Unicode or not (though that would expand the number of
> addressable keys), it's that some existing key&value names are not "text"
> strings.

So the module needs a notice that says "Be aware that this module
isn't suitable for storing unicode data in the registry safely."?

Is that what you are saying?


perl -Mre=debug -e "/just|another|perl|hacker/"

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