Randy W. Sims wrote:
Ken Williams wrote:

So, does this mean that someone with this EU::MM::Install would be able to 
upgrade Cwd on windows now?
If the answer is yes, could we get this into EU::MM standalone release too?

Better would be for someone to take over EU::Install which is what Schwern wanted to happen, and release it standalone. The current version of MakeMaker is already setup for this scenario:

EU::Install, EU::Installed, & EU::Packlist seem to fit together well enough, so I packaged them together. All tests pass.

If this is a good arrangement, we just need the cvs logs for the 3 modules and their test files. Tests borrow some of MakeMakers scaffolding; this might could be made more independent if necessary.


If Schwern will give the nod, Ken, do you want to add this to the MB project? Or anyone else interested in maintainership?


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