I'm forwarding this to the makemaker@perl.org mailing list because they know 
better how to do funky things with documentation than I do.

What I can say is that PPM_INSTALL_* is not what you want.  PPM ("Perl Package 
Manager") is an external packaging utility distributed by ActiveState.  All 
MakeMaker does is create a configuration file for it.

Adam Wilson wrote:
Hi there,
  I'm trying to build a distribution of an in-house
Perl module and along with it, I'd like to distribute
some docs to a different directory.  The docs are in
the man directory here:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Release]$ ls
convert_sgml_docs lib Makefile.PL man MANIFEST Release.pl

They are just sgml files.  Here is my Makefile.PL.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Release]$ cat Makefile.PL
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
# See lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm for details of how to
# the contents of the Makefile that is written.
  'NAME'  => 'Release',
  'VERSION_FROM' => 'lib/Release.pm', # finds $VERSION
   'EXE_FILES' => ['Release.pl'], # Exe's
   'INSTALLSCRIPT' => '/usr/local/bin',
   'PPM_INSTALL_SCRIPT' => 'convert_sgml_docs',
   'PPM_INSTALL_EXEC'   => '/usr/bin/perl',
  'PREREQ_PM' => {'ErrorObj' => '1.5.0',
                  'PerlMakeFileParse' => '0',
                  'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '0',
                  'Net::FTP' => 0,
                  'IO::File' => 0,
                  'File::Copy' => 0},


I am trying to run the script "convert_sgml_docs"
which is just a perl script (that works, I ran it by
hand with no issues) to distribute these documents to
a directory in apache's htdocs directory.  It doesn't
appear that when I run "make install" for my perl
module, that this script is executed.  In the man page
for ExtUtils::MakeMaker, it says that this
PPM_INSTALL_SCRIPT will be run after the perl package
manager finishes?  I thought that meant it would be
run before "make install" finished.
  When I do a grep for my script in the Makefile that
is generated by perl Makefile.pl, it is listed in
there, but I don't understand what the line represents
as far as the Makefile goes.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Release-2.3.4]# grep
convert_sgml_docs Makefile
#     PPM_INSTALL_SCRIPT => q[convert_sgml_docs]
        @$(PERL) -e "print qq{\t\t<OS
NAME=\"i386-linux-thread-multi\" />\n\t\t<INSTALL
HREF=\"\" />\n\t</IMPLEMENTATION>\n</SOFTPKG>\n}" >>
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Release-2.3.4]#

Any help would be appreciated.

Adam Wilson

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