Michael G Schwern wrote:
> I never got that report.

I never found the original report that *I* got, which is why I never sent
anything more.  When I got that original report, I know I spent hours in a
debugger trying to figure out where it happened.  I then patched my copy of
MakeMaker and forgot the details (but I did remember what needed fixing).  But
see the next paragraph for why my trivial fix is still likely to be the correct 

> I also noted what will have to happen in order for the problem to really be
> fixed.  Your trivial fix is too trivial, I'm sorry, and had to be rejected.  I
> await the slightly less trivial patch.  If you have questions about how to
> implement that I'll be happy to help.

OK, here's the problem.  ExtUtils::MakeMaker is written to assume only certain
hash values (for the keys that EU::MM accepts as parameters) can be anything but
scalars.  That's what %Special_Sigs is used for.  EU::MM has decided /a priori/
that anything not in that hash must be a scalar or a warning is thrown.  EU::MM
is validating hash values based on certain assumptions, which in this case are
no longer true.

Once upon a time, $VERSION contained only a number (or a string that looked like
a number with underscores).  That isn't true any more.  $VERSION can now contain
a version object.  So my trivial patch simply adds the VERSION key and the
possible values of ['version',''] (version object or scalar).

> I still lack an explanation about
> how to trigger this bug and I'm not going to spend time guessing when you can
> just attach a tarball with the failing code instead of feeding me a few
> out-of-context lines at a time.

This doesn't have anything really to do with Module::Install.  Here's how to
reproduce it.  Download the SVK tarball.  Unpack it and type

        perl Makefile.PL

After you answer any questions about installing missing (or optional) modules,
you get the warning.  Here's the backtrace from that point:

. = ExtUtils::MakeMaker::_verify_att(ref(HASH)) called from file
`/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm' line 57
$ = ExtUtils::MakeMaker::WriteMakefile('test', ref(HASH), 'NAME', 'SVK',
'DISTNAME', 'SVK', 'AUTHOR', 'Chia-liang Kao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>', 'DIR',
ref(ARRAY), 'dist', ref(HASH), 'clean', ref(HASH), 'NO_META', 1, 'ABSTRACT', 'A
decentralized version control system', 'PL_FILES', ref(HASH), 'EXE_FILES',
ref(ARRAY), 'VERSION', ref(version), 'PREREQ_PM', ref(HASH)) called from file
`inc/Module/Install/Makefile.pm' line 147
. = Module::Install::Makefile::write(ref(Module::Install::Makefile)) called from
file `inc/Module/Install/WriteAll.pm' line 37
. = Module::Install::WriteAll::WriteAll(undef, undef, undef, 'sign', 1) called
from file `Makefile.PL' line 142

I *should* be able to use the exact code you cited:

    use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
    use version;

        NAME    => "Foo",
        VERSION => qv(2.0.0),

and not have EU::MM throw a warning.  I think you are overthinking this into
imagining you need to generically support random objects everywhere.  I'm just
saying that there is now a legitimate way to initialize $VERSION that uses an
object, instead of a scalar, and it would be reasonable for EU::MM to support


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