On 2/19/07, Paul Cutler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> LiveCD: According to this wiki page (
> http://live.gnome.org/GnomeLiveMedia) it says:  "It is not
> a target to do an official version for GNOME 2.18".  If we do:
> LiveCD:  I think that's a great idea.  I've been reading through the
> documentation for customizing an Ubuntu LiveCD at
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization/6%2e06
> -- I'm going to need some help on this one.  That wiki page was written for
> Ubuntu 6.06 / Dapper, and if we choose to use Ubuntu, do we want to update
> an Edgy LiveCD or customize a Feisty LiveCD, which already has 2.17.91 and
> should have 2.17.2 soon.  I was also looking at Reconstructor (
> http://reconstructor.aperantis.com/).  I believe looking
> through the Wiki, that Luis Villa led the last LiveCD created for 2.12 -
> Luis, if you have any pointers or advice to share on how that process, I'd
> love to hear them..

Hey, Paul-
Marcus Bauer is really the person to talk to about liveCDs;
particularly for his work on scripting and localizing the whole
process. I had not seen reconstructor; just from a quick skim it looks
like it would be very good for the basics of a liveCD. (Though an
ideal liveCD would work from stock GNOME, and not patched GNOME like
Ubuntu ships.)

I generally worked with an unstable Ubuntu release, specifically
because (as you mentioned) that included a very up-to-date GNOME. You
might also want to look at combining the debian 'live-package' tool
and http://www.0d.be/2007/02/11/the-coup-du-zeppelin-project/

Sadly, AFAIK rpath still doesn't create liveCDs; otherwise their tools
would be perfect. (One could argue that a self-hosting image that
doesn't require rebooting the host PC would be even better, of course.
I leave that to others to noodle on about.)

Anyway, I can answer at least some questions, I just don't have a
whole lot of time to help out right now. Sorry :/

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