On 3/2/07, Ken VanDine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> By only shipping what is needed.  Conary has such strong dep checking
> and fine grained components.  Basically, if a package only needs a
> shared lib, conary will just include the libs not the runtime stuff.
> So we end up with conary packages that look like this:
> libgnome=2.16.0-2-5
>   libgnome:config=2.16.0-2-5
>   libgnome:data=2.16.0-2-5
>   libgnome:devel=2.16.0-2-5
>   libgnome:devellib=2.16.0-2-5
>   libgnome:doc=2.16.0-2-5
>   libgnome:lib=2.16.0-2-5
>   libgnome:locale=2.16.0-2-5
>   libgnome:runtime=2.16.0-2-5
> If only libgnome:lib and libgnome:data are required by dependency, the
> others are excluded.  Unless of course you want them, then you
> explicitly add the whole package.  The current LiveCD I am working on
> is 420M.
> Our technology is really created to build appliances, which should
> only require the bare minimum to make the application you care about
> run.  Very powerful stuff :)

Very impressive. I look forward to playing with the liveCD (none of my
boxes have a working vmware kernel ATM.)

Also, is there an application list? I seem to be able to figure out
from rpath what you've removed, but not what you've added.

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