[cc'ing marketing-list instead of board.]

On 4/14/07, Ken VanDine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am very pleased to do it, I will email the marketing list to look
> for volunteers to help.  But if anyone here would be interested in
> helping or can help find volunteers, that would be great.
> Does anyone have details from previous LWEs?  Like number of visitors
> to the booth?  How many LiveCDs were given out?  Anything else useful?

In past years, several thousand booth visitors; I don't recall how
many liveCDs I sold two years ago, but 'a lot'- a couple hundred,
IIRC? I can try to look it up sometime later- not today, though.

Note, though, that LWE is a wounded beast, AFAICT; floor traffic was
down substantially during the second year in Boston, and I imagine the
same is true in San Fran. So my numbers may not be as valid anymore.

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