Hi Marc, *

Marc Paré schrieb:

Just a note to see if there had been a decision about this? Are we going
with the sole US group or n.amer. group? Or are people still thinking
this one out?

I think we covered the most important points in this discussion - at least for North America.

In my eyes we didn't come to a common standing by now, but most of us go towards the same direction:

Local marketing is not (only) language specific, but is relevant for a certain area.

Dedicated marketing mailing lists could help here.

There are differences in the areas that should be covered (continent / countries).

This is a point we should come to a more or less common agreement.

In my personal eyes this should be consistent and comprehensible for comparable areas all over the world. Therefore I'd plead for areas with a common internal market.

I don't know if there is a common market between the North American states - if not, I'd vote for market...@us.libreoffice.org as well as their local counterparts in Canada and Mexico. If we go with market...@n.amer.libreoffice.org (or n_amer to avoid misinterpretation of "n" as sublevel of "amer") this would mean to drop this list and create three new ones, if local marketing in Canada and Mexico will become more active.

Best regards


PS: I'd like to inform the discuss list about the result (if we manage to reach a common agreement), because this will not only affect marketing but the community structure as a whole.

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