
Mike Saunders <mike.saund...@documentfoundation.org> wrote on Thu, 18 Oct 2018 15:32:33 +0200:

1. "What can I do for LibreOffice" site: help people to understand in
just a few clicks, how they can contribute. Need to get the design team
involved, make it available for translations, build a tree for the
information. Code here: https://github.com/jdm/asknot. AIs: Mike to find
out about domain, and talk to various sub-projects about questions to
use; Redon to work on the first tree map.

sounds like things are progressing - thank you very much, Redon, for your generous offer! :-)

We do have the domain, Guilhem can connect it to an existing CMS or VM (the former one preferred). I couldn't make it to this month's marketing call, but if there are any questions, feel free to ask anytime.

Thanks again!

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