On 29/11/21 9:30 pm, Nigel Verity wrote:

> There are other aspects which are less easy for MS to plagiarise, however. Try contacting Microsoft to ask for a new feature to be implemented and see how far you get either (a) contacting the person who makes such decisions or (b) succeeding in having your request actioned. Compare that with LO where, in principle at least, you could implement that feature yourself,

In your computer, you can always do it.

> or canvas other users for support to get it implemented. That user responsiveness is something that MS are structurally incapable of replicating.

I agree with Nigel. This point needs to be emphasized.

Also, we have done crowdfunding or used government funding to introduce features independent of the main developers of a free/libre software. So, the possiblities are endless with free software.

On the other hand, what happens if Microsoft shuts down. In MS Office, the users are totally dependent on Microsoft which leads to exploitation in various ways.

Also, features can be introduced anytime if software is free.

I like the freedom above feature narrative.

Ravi Dwivedi
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