> Try submitting a bug report to Microsoft. They want you to pay like
> (US)$40 for the privilege. Contrast this with LO and other free software
> projects, where one can log into a bug tracker, submit the report, and
> hear back from the developers without even touching one's wallet or
> keying in a credit card number.
> Yes, someone has to pay for development but simply submitting a bug
> report shouldn't cost money on top of what one paid for the
> (proprietary) software, which in theory is being sold/licensed per
> "seat" primarily to cover the cost of support.
> In theory, yes, MS can plagiarize the bug tracker model LO uses.
> Honestly, given it's already quite tedious and odious to deal with bugs
> in MS software, I wish they would.

I would say that the main issue is that you cannot fix the bug yourself and that also means you cannot hire someone to fix it and it is not a matter of how easy it is to submit a bug report. MS Office is a nonfree software which users do not control.

Let's think of ways on how to emphasize that. The day Microsoft makes it easy to submit a bug report, it does not make it acceptable for me to use MS Office.

Ravi Dwivedi
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