Subject: SEAMAMMS 2017!
The 2017 Southeast and Mid-Atlantic Marine Mammal Symposium (SEAMAMMS) will 
take place April 7-9, 2016 in Beaufort, NC and will be hosted by the Duke 
Marine Lab and the Friends of the Maritime Museum.
For meeting details, information on abstract submission and to register please 
Abstracts are due Friday, February 17th.  See website for additional 
Early Registration will end on March 11th. We encourage everyone to register 
SEAMAMMS is a regional, student-oriented, scientific marine mammal meeting. 
Preference will be given to marine mammal research conducted in the 
mid-Atlantic and southeast US or conducted by students in the same region. 
Other topics will be considered as space is available.
If you have additional questions that are not addressed on the website please 
Additionally, the Maritime Museum in Beaufort, NC is hosting a free North 
Carolina Whales & Whaling Symposium on April 7th before the SEAMAMMS 2017 Ice 
Breaker. Learn more 
We hope to see you in April!

Andrew J. Read
Stephen A. Toth Professor of Marine Biology
Director, Duke University Marine Laboratory
Chair, Division of Marine Science and Conservation
Nicholas School of the Environment
Duke University
Phone: 252-504-7590

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