Dear Colleagues,

We wish to announce the creation of the IndoCet Consortium, an effort to
formalize a Southwest Indian Ocean network for cetacean research.  In order
to officially launch IndoCet, we will be holding an Inception Workshop
during the 2nd Humpback Whale World Congress on Reunion Island, July 3-7,
2017. As the time for the HWWC rapidly approaches we are sending this
announcement to provide some brief information on the workshop, which is
funded by the Indian Ocean Commission Biodiversity Program and hosted by
the HWWC.

The IndoCet Inception workshop will be held on the last day of the HWWC
meeting, on the afternoon of July 6, 2017, and is open to all whom wish to
attend.  The purpose of the workshop is to officially launch the IndoCet
Consortium and start the process of building membership in the Consortium.
IndoCet was first conceived in November 2014 during a workshop on satellite
telemetry of humpback whales in the Southwest Indian Ocean, held on Reunion
Island and supported by a grant from the European Commission BEST program.
Over a 2 year period the Consortium steadily developed with the efforts of
a steering committee named at the original workshop and through support
from the IOC and the 1st HWWC. The Consortium has now finally reached a
point to officially launch and announce broadly to the marine mammal
research community, and open membership to all researchers and
conservationists that are interested in being involved.  At the IndoCet
Inception workshop, we will describe the history of the Consortium and how
it developed, introduce the Memorandum of Understanding that was developed
by the Steering Committee, introduce the current and the prospective
members attending the workshop, and discuss the future direction and
opportunities for the Consortium.

If you have interest in participating in IndoCet, or attending the
Inception Workshop, please send an email to

Best regards,

Salvatore Cerchio
Violaine Dulau

Salvatore Cerchio, Ph.D.

New England Aquarium
scerchio@ <>
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
+261-32-47-549-93 (Madagascar mobile)
+1-917-796-3363 (USA  mobile)
+1-508-289-3677 (WHOI)
Skype: scerchio
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