Dear colleagues

I am very pleased to announce a new article:

Tsai C.-H. 2023. In search of the origin of crown Mysticeti. Journal of the
Royal Society of New Zealand doi:10.1080/03036758.2023.2249410


Recent research on mysticete fossils from the Late Eocene and Oligocene has
revolutionised our understanding of the diversity and evolutionary
scenarios for early baleen whales. For example, aetiocetids are a possible,
though controversial, lineage that bridges the gap between the toothed and
baleen-bearing mysticetes, and eomysticetids show a further transitional
step towards the baleen-bearing status, with the presence of non-functional
dentition in adults. However, information about the origin of crown
mysticetes, including the most recent common ancestor of all extant
lineages and its descendants, is critical to further understanding the
evolution of baleen whales. The phylogenetic positions of the Oligocene
*Toipahautea*, *Whakakai*, *Horopeta*, and *Mauicetus* from New Zealand
remain unresolved and problematic, but all four genera show a close
relationship with crown mysticetes. The original and subsequent cladistic
analyses have consistently revealed a sister relationship between the
*Toipahautea*-to-*Mauicetus* grade and crown mysticetes, and *Horopeta* has
been placed close to the cetotheriids within the crown group. This review
aims to stimulate more research on this topic by elucidating the origin of
crown mysticetes, which likely experienced a poorly known radiation event
during the Oligocene that established the modern lineages.

This article is open-access:

Alternatively, please feel free to email me for a pdf copy or further
discussion: or

Regards and all the best,

蔡政修(Cheng-Hsiu Tsai  さい まさのぶ) PhD
Associate Professor
R508, Lab of evolution and diversity of fossil vertebrates(古脊椎動物演化及多樣性實驗室)
Department of Life Science & Institute of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
National Taiwan University(台灣大學)
No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei, 106-17, Taiwan(台灣 106-17 台北市羅斯福路 4 段
1 號)
Email:;; Tel: 886 - 2 - 3366 - 2448
Twitter: TSAI_NTU508 <>; FB: 蔡政修 CH Tsai
<>; Google Scholar: TSAI, Cheng-Hsiu
<>; and Paleo
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