
I'm sorry if the question is a bit long, but I need to describe the set up.

I have to following type of database in mysql that I would like to convert
to a mart:

A "gene table" with the following columns:
- gene id
- gene name
- sequence
A "rna_gene table" with:
- rna_gene_id
- rna_id
- gene_id

A "rna table" with
- rna_id
- description

A "reaction_gene table" with:
- reaction_gene_id
- reaction_id
- gene_id

A "reaction table" with
- reaction_id
- description

If, when using martbuider I select only the 'gene' table to build the
dataset, the corresponding mart does not include data from the "rna" and
"reaction" tables.
If, I select the tables "gene", "rna" and "reaction" tables to build the
dataset, I get two datasets: one where I could filter by gene and rna and
the other that I can filter by gene and reaction

So, is there a way to build a single dataset so I can filter by gene, rna
and reaction?

This is a made up example, in the real database there are many more tables,
but all follow this structure.



*Andreu Alibés, PhD
**Bioinformatics Core & EMBL-CRG Systems Biology Unit
Center for Genomic Regulation*
C/ Dr. Aiguader 88, 08003 Barcelona, Spain
Phone: +34 93 316 0202

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