On 30/11/2010 11:15, Bob MacCallum wrote:
I would run it in a separate back-end apache and use mod_proxy and
ProxyPass directives in your existing front-end apache (some
recompilation may be necessary - configure options "--enable-proxy"
"--enable-proxy-ajp"  - the latter is for a tomcat backend)

I agree with Bob here, unless your biomart is very small I would say that you can do it - but DON'T you will find that the performance of your webserver will drop considerably! Also Mart can be very easily DoSed by legitimate users of the web interface (or more increasingly the services interface)

This is the experince the Ensembl team had. They actually run mart under its own dedicated webservers (and they struggle with the huge demands for memory of a large biomart) - but the server serving mart ONLY serves mart dynamic content (it doesn't even serve mart static content) which is handled by the main ensembl servers. The team had to limit the number of children on the BioMart instances to no more than 15-20 children due to extreme memory requirements of the BioMart system for a large mart, otherwise the instances would run out of memory (and these are 16/32 G machines) - they still do if users generate weird queries - the servers both backend databases servers and frontend MySQL servers are regularly DOSed by legitimate users using the web interface. We have also recently noticed other DOS attacks on martservice URLs where in efficiently written queries are generating large numbers of small queries for whom the backend MySQL backs up - and so delays responses to the martservice request - e.g. requests which look for genes overlapping a region from within a given list - each return on average 10 bytes of data - but each request actually takes somewhere between 15 seconds and 2 minutes to return because of constraints on the MySQL tables....


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