Hello Andrea,

let us investigate this issue and get back to you with a solution.


On 09/12/2010 13:33, Andrea Edwards wrote:

I was wondering if anyone could give me advice about how to get the
watson snps from biomart.

I presume the problem I am having is due to the size of the data. I
tried downloading all of the watson snps. A file download started but
downloaded at a rate of 1kb per second and timed out after 12 hours. I
then tried requesting the data by email but still hadn't received an
email within 2 days. I tried the same thing by requesting just a single
chromosome and faced the same problems: nothing received by an email
request and a very slow download of about 1kb per second.

What am i doing wrong? I appreciate it is a large data set and a slow
query with complicated joins in the table but that doesn't seem to be
the problem as the data starts to download.

thanks a lot

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