
I'm trying to link 2 datasets using the "importable/exportable" mecanism. I want to display in "dataset 2" attributes from "dataset 1". Nothing happens when I run martView: the 2 marts act totally independantly. I think I missed one important step or concept. Here are the steps I followed :

    1)  create an "exportable" in dataset 1 ("devbiomart"):
        - internalName: "feature_id"
        - linkName: "feature_id"
        - name: "feature_id"
        - attributes: "feature_key"
        - type: "link"

   2)  create an "attribute" in dataset 1:
        - internalName:  "feature_key"
        - displayName:  "feature key"
        - hidden: "false"
        - field:  "feature_id_2045_key"
        - tableConstraint:  "feature_id_2045_key"
        - key:  "feature_id_2045_key"

    3) create an "importable" in dataset 2 ("devbiomart2"):
        - internalName: "feature_id"
        - linkName: "feature_id"
        - name: "feature_id"
        - filters: "value_101"
        - type: "link"

    4) create a "filter" in dataset 2 ("devbiomart2"):
        - internalName:  "value_101"
        - field:  "value_101"
        - tableConstraint:  "ngs_featurelib__dm"
        - key:  "library_id_102_key"
        - qualifier:  ">="

    5) set 2 MartDBLocation in the registry file:
                    name         = "devbiomart"
                    displayName  = "lepido database"
                    databaseType = "postgres"
                    host         = "xxxxxxxxx"
                    port         = "xxxxxxxx"
                    database     = "lepidodb_RNA"
                    schema       = "lepidodb_rna_schema_feature_only_aml_2"
                    user         = "xxxxxxxx"
                    password     = "xxxxxxxx"
                    visible      = "1"
                    default      = ""
                    includeDatasets = ""
                    martUser     = ""
                    name         = "devbiomart2"
                    displayName  = "lepido database - ngs lib"
                    databaseType = "postgres"
                    host         = "xxxxxxxx"
                    port         = "xxxxxxxx"
                    database     = "lepidodb_RNA_ngs_lib_091210"
schema = "lepidodb_rna_schema_ngs_lib_091210_aml_1"
                    user         = "xxxxxxxxx"
                    password     = "xxxxxxxxx"
                    visible      = "1"
                    default      = ""
                    includeDatasets = ""
                    martUser     = ""



Alain MEIL

Project Leader
Korilog SARL
BP 36, 56190 Muzillac - FRANCE
tel:  +33960368038
mail: am...@korilog.com

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