
I have been trying to install Biomart in my work system.

I was able to install pre-requisites for biomart-perl using CPAN and
also completed the installation of Apache (2.2.17) and

I have also installed the Biomart-perl api (step and I
recieved the message "Looks good... You are done".

After this step, when I try to configure the MartView, after chaging
the setting.conf file and executing the command perl "bin/configure.pl
-r conf/registryURLPointer.xml" with the answer n to the subsequent
question, I did not get the message "Compiling templates for visible
datasets". Instead It stops prematurely with out any major error
outputs. However I see a warning message of use of uninitialised
variable in a CPAN module. I am attaching the file with the command
issued and the subsequent output received.

Could you let me know if I am doing anything wrong? Or if this is normal?

Thanks and Regards,
Sri Krishna Suresh Kumar
[s...@sans-lab-04 biomart-perl]$ perl bin/configure.pl -r 

Do you want to install in API only mode [y/n] [n]: y

                API configure only checks dependencies for using API
                Any additional switches supplied to this script will be ignored

Checking prerequisites ...
Looks good.... you are done.

[s...@sans-lab-04 biomart-perl]$ perl bin/configure.pl -r 

Do you want to install in API only mode [y/n] [n]:

Checking prerequisites ...[Looks good]
Use of uninitialized value in scalar assignment at 
line 31.

APACHE: /local/biomart/apache/bin/httpd
HOST: localhost
PORT: 80
LOCATION: biomart

You can change the above configuration by editing 

Got usable Apache in /local/biomart/apache/bin/httpd, probing for version & 
ModPerl configuration
Have Apache DSO-support and ModPerl library file present, configuring ModPerl 
in httpd.conf.
Libdir /local/biomart/biomart-perl/lib is not in @INC, adding to @INC

Processing Cached Registry: 

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