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I listened to this, although I was greatly irritated by the format where the
interviewer kept interrupting with his idiot's version of "common sense".
What was significant was the debate between Labour and Sinn Fein.  This is
obviously for both the parties the main game in town and where they think
the most important struggle will be fought out. The United Left Alliance
(ULA) seem to be regarded as largely irrelevant although perhaps well

This is the dead weight of consciousness that has to be shifted. Whether the
ULA can do so I don't know. What is clear to me is that Sinn Fein are
trapped in a historic failure and that is the failure to unite the national
struggle with the struggle against capitalism. In the North they assist in
the management of the capitalist state and that marks a limit both to the
struggles and to the thinking they will undertake.

What precisely they offer the South as an alternative to the status quo is
my no means clear to me. But of course I cannot base my critique on one
radio program and a handful of newspaper articles.

As for the Irish Labour Party they almost make the Australian Labor Party
sound radical. They are so eager to be given a chance to manage the shop for
their masters.  The very thought of abolishing the master class has never
entered their heads.

My hope remains however that the Irish people despite their seeming
quiescence will swing behind the ULA.  That is the only vote which will
cause the powerful to take fright.



On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 10:18 AM, Dan DiMaggio <dan.dimag...@gmail.com>wrote:

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