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I was on a call about the PCM a month or so ago that included one of the
organizers and I was thoroughly unimpressed. Lots of talk about how great
it was that the opportunity to have a demonstration before a UN conference
on climate change was being taken, but almost no details about the march
itself or what they intended to accomplish. Maybe things have changed since
then but at that time they didn't even have a route approved!

Once it came time for Q&A there was very little in the way of clarification
about the event. Most of the people asking questions were concerned with
whether there would be coordinated events elsewhere in the country and
nobody who organized the call had any idea. "T-shirts will be available"
was the response.

Then I had a chance to ask a question; given that climate change is a
global issue and that this event is planned to coincide with a meeting at
the UN, what are you doing to facilitate international participation in
NYC? The response was a long, awkward silence followed by an ataboy for
asking a good question. Nobody had thought that international participation
might be important or worthwhile to cultivate, though there are similar
marches planned in Manchester and London now.

When I poked around the website after the call my questions were left
unanswered. I have see very little reason to believe that much will come of
it, but could be surprised. I am *highly* sceptical that hundreds of
thousands of marchers will turn out, as the organizer seemed to suggest on
that call.

The PCM strikes me as an action looking for a cause. No clear aims and no
plan for the next step.
On Sep 10, 2014 10:56 PM, "Glenn Kissack via Marxism" <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

> ======================================================================
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ======================================================================
>         I’ll be joining other members of my faculty union on Sunday,
> September 21 for the People’s Climate March, during the UN conference on
> climate change. It should be very large, with people coming from all over
> the country. 70 unions and 1000 organizations have endorsed the march. Many
> tens of thousands — maybe more — will be there.
> http://peoplesclimate.org/march/
>         Yet I know very little about the leadership of the march, what its
> demands are, or what its analysis is of the ecological crisis we face. I’ve
> been told that Bill McKibben and his 350.org initiated the event, but
> others are now involved. As for demands, there don’t seem to be any. And
> for analysis, I couldn’t find anything at the website.
>         I was wondering if members of this list had thoughts about PCM —
> its leadership, politics, future.
> Thanks,
> Glenn
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