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On 2015-10-01 16:54, Ron Jacobs via Marxism wrote:

Why are we supposed to be bothered that CIA-trained mercenary "rebels" were

Well the easy answer is that almost surely none of those attacked were either mercenaries or trained by the CIA. But more generally I would surely be "bothered" by any bombing from the air, a form of warfare which disproportionally kills the civilian population. And unlike the intervention of Hezbollah in Syria, who actually lay their lives down (foolishly) in support of the murderer al-Assad, the Russians are ONLY engaged in air strikes and explicitly not providing ground troops (which I believe).

So the more pertinent question is why anyone would make a HERO of the MURDERER Assad? Well in fact I just read a not-bad piece on the blindness that allows people to see the worst murderers as "heros." It's available here:


I refer you to the article starting on the second page entitled "The Murderer as Hero" by Ron Jacobs. Enjoy!

- Jeff

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