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On 10/1/15 12:28 PM, Joseph Catron wrote:
On Thu, Oct 1, 2015 at 12:22 PM, Louis Proyect <l...@panix.com
<mailto:l...@panix.com>> wrote:

    Joseph evidently uses American support as a litmus test for whether
    a group is counter-revolutionary.

No, I evidently (the word has a meaning you know) responded to an
erroneous factual statement.

But given your current outspoken support for al-Qaeda, I have no idea
what you might consider "revolutionary":


In fact, I'm almost certainly happier without knowing. So there's really
no need to explain it.

I use the word "revolutionary" in Marxist terms whatever your predilection. I don't think there is much difference ideologically between Hamas and the al-Nusra front so I would be just as happy seeing Hamas using MANPAD's to bring down an IDF F-16 as I would be seeing al-Nusra bring down a MIG. I understand that you have one yardstick for an Islamist Hamas and another for al-Nusra but that is your problem, not mine.

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