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My usual twitter feed has not yet caught up the Corbyn launch. However,
judging by the grudging praise from his enemies in the main stream media,
he has had a triumph. He is set now to campaign in front of massive crowds
until the conference in September.

This coup has turned out to be a disaster. It had two phases first the
Blairites struck staging their rolling resignations.  That did not work
then the Old Right under Watson appears to have taken over the coup. His
strategy was to keep Corbyn off the ballot paper and when that failed he
tried to disenfranchise Corbyn's base. That has failed too.

So now the specter of deselection as the grimmest of Grim Reapers has come
on the stage.  The Right have alienated the new members by depriving them
off a vote and banning meetings and suspending branches but they cannot
keep doing that. The memerbs will have a chance to DE-select the MPs who
went against their wishes. If the Corbyn slate for the NEC gets up then
There will be no centre to impose right wing MPs on left wing

Already some of Corbyn's enemies are suing for peace. That will become an
even greater number.

I am reminded of Sun Tzu's injunction in the *The Art of War*, not to
charge the enemy when they occupy the high ground.  Corbyn has the moral
high ground thanks to plotting and the dirty tricks that Watson and his
allies have unleashed.

He also has the fire power to take his enemies out.  And they know it.
What though can they do?  They cannot call off the campaign, much as they
would love to now. They have maneuvered Corbyn into a position of strength.
He may not be very good at Prime Minister's Questions times but only the
elite think that is an important arena. Out in the streets and halls across
England he is unbeatable and the idiots who tried to topple him will be
about to see the full might of the Corbyn movement build up over the summer
and all the way to the Party Conference.

All very pleasing.


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