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This is what I'm seriously trying to understand. Just as an example A.R.F.
you give this summation:

 the Republicans are in a similar place as us, but for
> different reasons: they, too, do not see "their" candidate on the ballot. I
> think it was obvious that most of the traditional Republican Party types
> were backing Rubio and Cruz. Now they're being expected to endorse the guy
> who insulted them and their families, who accused the last GOP President of
> failing to stop 9/11 (while hanging out with people who think he was in on
> it), who mocked one of the last GOP nominees for being captured and
> tortured by communist guerrillas in Vietnam, and who spent much of his time
> in the orbit of the Clintons. On the other hand, they have Clinton, who
> they and their party machine have spent decades painting as a Communist (if
> only!).
> So I would not put too much stock into who the Republicans end up
> endorsing, whether Clinton, Trump, Johnson or nobody. They are in panic
> mode as their party collapses.

And the national question doesn't enter the discussion at all. Its like the
above is just about how white people see the election. Differences around
McCain get mentioned, differences around the national question ignored. I
mean why is the GOP collapsing? Doesn't the national question loom large on
that question? How about the Brexit vote? the AfD victory? I see a growing
white nationalist influence in all of this, but generally speaking, people
on this list don't.   People of color don't spend 2 paragraphs on this
election without touch on the questions of white nationalist, Trump's
hateful message and dangerous threats. I'm trying to understand why it is
so different here. I know you are all tired of hearing from me about it but
I'm just trying to understand the disconnect.



Clay Claiborne, Director
Vietnam: American Holocaust <http://VietnamAmericanHolocaust.com>
Linux Beach Productions
Venice, CA 90291
(310) 581-1536

Read my blogs at the Linux Beach <http://claysbeach.blogspot.com/>

On Mon, Sep 5, 2016 at 8:05 PM, A.R. G via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> My guess is that the Republicans are in a similar place as us, but for
> different reasons: they, too, do not see "their" candidate on the ballot. I
> think it was obvious that most of the traditional Republican Party types
> were backing Rubio and Cruz. Now they're being expected to endorse the guy
> who insulted them and their families, who accused the last GOP President of
> failing to stop 9/11 (while hanging out with people who think he was in on
> it), who mocked one of the last GOP nominees for being captured and
> tortured by communist guerrillas in Vietnam, and who spent much of his time
> in the orbit of the Clintons. On the other hand, they have Clinton, who
> they and their party machine have spent decades painting as a Communist (if
> only!).
> So I would not put too much stock into who the Republicans end up
> endorsing, whether Clinton, Trump, Johnson or nobody. They are in panic
> mode as their party collapses.
> I really think we should spend less time discussing the same stuff over and
> over about Clinton and Trump and more time discussing what a long-term
> strategy after November looks like. It seems that most of you have resigned
> yourselves to voting Green. I am doing the same, but A) I don't live in a
> state where it matters and B) that is only a ritual I do every 4 years,
> it's not much of a plan. Perhaps we should discuss that instead.
> - Amith
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