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I think I misread the report on Chomsky's remarks at U. Mass Amherst that was based on Ron Baiman's post to PEN-L. In the q&a at his talk at U. Mass Amherst, it was more likely that a member of the audience rather than Chomsky who recommended the 4 Assadist pieces of garbage:

"I attended a talk by Noam Chomsky at UMass Amherst last night. Though it wasn't on Syria, in the Q&A period someone asked his take on Syria, and he mentioned four names, which I then googled. All seem to be exceptionally good sources".

I say that because it is unlikely that Chomsky would have named the 4 men who are in the advance guard of the "jihadis gassed their own supporters in a false flag incident" brigade , especially since I doubt he pays close attention to Consortium News, Information Clearing House, et al, where this diarrhea appears.
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