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I keep coming back to Richard Smith's "Six Theses..." as an uncompromising
ecosocialist framework for these discussions. It is long past time for
socialists to forgo and critique "productionist," "Promethean," or
"accelerationist" approaches to overcoming the planetary crisis.


Thesis 2 (for example) - "We would have to 'contract and converge'
production around a globally sustainable and hopefully happy average that
can provide a dignified living standard for all the world’s peoples. To
effect such a balance, we would have to slam the brakes on out-of-control
growth in the Global North. We would need to retrench or shut down
unnecessary, resource-hogging, wasteful, polluting industries like fossil
fuels, autos, aircraft and airlines, shipping, chemicals, bottled water,
processed foods, pharmaceuticals, and so on. We would have to discontinue
harmful processes like industrial agriculture, fishing, and logging. We
would have to close down many services–the banking industry, Wall Street,
the credit card, retail, public relations, and advertising 'industries' —
built to underwrite and promote overconsumption. We would have to abolish
the military-surveillance-police state industrial complex, and all its
manufacturers, as this is just a total waste that’s only purpose is global
domination, state terrorism, destruction abroad, and repression at home. We
can’t build decent societies anywhere when so much of social surplus is
squandered on such waste.

"At the same time, we would be obliged to redirect considerable resources
to ramping up sustainable development in the Global South. We, in the
North, have a responsibility to help the South build basic infrastructure,
electrification, sanitation systems, public schools, health care, and so
on. We would help their citizens achieve a comfortable material standard of
living without repeating all the disastrous wastes of capitalist
consumerism in the North. After all, we owe them a huge debt: much of the
poverty of the South is the result of decades and centuries of the
industrialized North looting their resources. If we just stop this, the
South can use its natural resource wealth for its own sustainable
development. ..."
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