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This is a fascinating analysis of Lyndon Larouche's Marxist economics from the period before he had gone full-bore fascist. The article stresses his "productivism", which takes Marx's notion of capitalism revolutionizing the means of production and turns it into a backhanded endorsement of capitalism itself. In a way, you had the same evolution in the RCP led by Frank Furedi although he led his followers into a libertarian direction rather than fascism. From the article:

We can legitimately wonder why on Earth anyone committed to the abolition of capital would seek to make capitalist firms more efficient and productive. But Marcus goes further: Grounded in his own business administrative experience, he offers a broad analytic framework to overcome “micro economic” liabilities. The framework consists in analysis of the firm codified in his interrelated Process Sheet, Bill of Consumption and Bill of Materials (228, 230, 250, all are his terms, his creations). These together form an analytic that connects production flows, inputs and outputs as consumer goods and their dynamics. Along with termination of incompetent managements, Marcus would utilize them to rationalize the firm as the cell of capitalist production. At this point, we might wish to inquiry, “Where is the working class in all this?”

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