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Hi John

"Williamson's support for Beeley and Assad is one thing. It is totally
reprehensible. All these allegations about anti-Semitism in the British
Labour Party are something entirely different."

They are not different. Or rather, there's an overlap. Ba'athism is deeply
anti-Semitic, and Stalinism has more than flirted with anti-Semitism in the
past. There is a long and deeply complex relationship between the Labour
left and Stalinism, which has led many on the Labour left into a pretty
much wholesale adoption of the Stalinist position on anti-imperialism,
which includes uncritical support for regimes that are supposedly opposing
imperialism, such as Assad's Ba'athist regime.

"Isn't it odd that these
allegations never arose until the left Jeremy Corbyn won the leadership?"

Not particularly. The Labour right, the press and the Tories were looking
for something to discredit the left, and found this. They're using it
entirely cynically, but it doesn't necessarily follow that it is an entire
fabrication. We didn't find out about Trump's "pussy grabbing" until he ran
for President. That doesn't mean the whole story is a lie. What we need to
do, like I said, is separate the real instances of anti-Semitism from the
false ones.

"And you think anti-Semitism is real in British politics? You should try the
snobs in the Tory party! But this, of course is, ignored."

You don't know me, but rest assured, I have to deal with Tory (local)
politicians on a daily basis as a part of my work. I know what they are. The
Conservative and Unionist Party are unapologetic racists. Boris Johnson is
flirting with Steve Bannon. Their racism and imperialism is unabashed and
should always be fought. That doesn’t mean racism doesn’t exist in the
labour movement, and shouldn’t be ruthlessly tackled when it arises.
Pointing to the racism of the other side doesn’t negate racism in our

“I have a good
friend who's very active in the Labour Party and in its left wing -
Momentum. His last name is Roger Silverman. Is that Jewish enough for you?
He says he has not experienced any anti-Semitism in the LP nor in

I also know Jewish people inside the Labour Party who would say similar
things. While I respect that position, I just think it’s wrong. I’m not
Jewish, but I have witnessed anti-semitism on the British left. It’s not
vitriolic, or even very open. It’s mostly based on ignorance and tropes,
that could be dealt with by education, rather than condemnation. But it’s

I don’t know what the left is like in Oakland, I hope it’s amazing, but in
Britain, due to decades of isolation, we have accumulated our fair share of
conspiracy theorists, cranks and weirdos. Orwell complained about it in the
1930s, and if anything it’s got worse. Such people aren’t *dominant *but
they’re real. Add to that the role of the Stalinists, who purposely play on
conspiracy theories when executing contortions to defend their latest
favourite dictator and you have a toxic mix.

“The claims are largely based on Corbyn's opposition to the racist State of
Israel. Many of those claims originate from the Israeli supporters. And now
socialists are going to join in on that? Here are a couple of articles
dealing with those claims:
Roger, himself, has written something on the issue. It is here:

The right do indeed conflate anti-zionism with anti-semitism. We need to
combat that by doing the *opposite. *Namely, correctly identifying actual
anti-semitism, and separating it from legitimate criticisms of the Israeli
state. We can’t combat it by simply assuming *any *accusation of
anti-semitism against the left, wherever it comes from, is because the left
opposes Israel. That’s a dangerous road to go down, as we’re essentially
doing the same as the right – we’re lumping the two together.

“As for Corbyn: Yes, his position on Syria is confused at best. But let's
not overlook is overall role. This has been to bring a whole layer of
idealistic and angry youth into political activism and to oppose austerity.”

He has done exactly that. I’m a member of the Labour Party and will
continue to be, for all its problems. However, we should be very wary of
simply saying stuff like this whenever legitimate criticisms of the
leadership, or the movement as a whole, are raised. Corbyn’s position on
Syria isn’t confused, it’s atrocious, and the position of some people in
his inner circle is worse than that, as far as I’m concerned they’re
complicit in Assad’s crimes (I don’t say that lightly).

What has developed around Corbyn is a real opportunity to build a genuine
socialist movement in this country. It’s exciting, but we can’t just ignore
fundamental problems that exist in the left. Yes, new people are involved,
but plenty of people, organisations and tendencies that have been around
for years are involved also, and many of them have been washed into leading
positions by this new wave. They bring with them the muck of ages of the
British left, and this won’t go away if we simply ignore it.

“I think many of these same youth
will not stand passively by if the new government supports Assad, as
Western imperialism in general is doing today”

I think that that would be much more likely if the leadership position was
consistently opposed. The dominant foreign policy position on the British
left historically, and now amongst the “youth” we are talking about. Is a
kind of vague pacifism. There’s nothing wrong with it, but for many decades
the Stalinists have adopted the language of pacifism as a cloak for their
support for regimes like Assad’s. They’ll continue to use this trick so
long as they’re allowed to get away with it, and many very good people will
be hoodwinked by it.

“Both the Conservatives and
the Blairites in the LP have been looking for a way to undermine Corbyn
ever since he rose to prominence. Are we really going to join in on that
chorus, the same chorus that conflates opposition to Zionism and the racist
State of Israel with anti-Semitism? Really?”

That’s the problem isn’t it? One can raise issues of anti-semitism without
siding with the Blairites and the Conservatives. *We’ve been here
before. *Criticism
of the Soviet Union was siding with capitalism. Criticism of Arthur
Scargill or Derek Hatton meant you were siding with Thatcher. Criticism of
George Galloway meant you were siding with Blair and Bush.

This is the issue with the left in Britain, and I wouldn’t be surprised if
it’s similar elsewhere. We’re so used to unfair and continuous attacks that
we have adopted a siege mentality. We have a knee-jerk response to
criticism where we assume (often accurately) foul play, and therefore white
was genuine problems that we have. The Corbynite movement is a perfect
example of this. Corbyn and the movement have been subject to continuous
attacks non-stop since he became leader. Issues have been fabricated, lies
have been told, scandals whipped up. We have gotten used to simply
dismissing *any *criticism of him as “lies of the capitalist press” or
“Blairite plots”. In many cases that’s in fact the case. But the risk is
that we confuse genuine and well-meant criticism from inside the movement
for attacks from the outside. Following that logic through, we have
traitors in our midst all of a sudden. Any criticism is a cynical ploy to
discredit the left, and must be shut down. We risk creating an environment
where dissent is not tolerated. I don’t think anyone is really setting out
to bring about that state of affairs, but the left has a habit of slipping
into it unconsciously. *We’ve been here before. *

On Wed, Aug 22, 2018 at 1:34 AM John Reimann via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> Williamson's support for Beeley and Assad is one thing. It is totally
> reprehensible. All these allegations about anti-Semitism in the British
> Labour Party are something entirely different. Isn't it odd that these
> allegations never arose until the left Jeremy Corbyn won the leadership?
> And you think anti-Semitism is real in British politics? You should try the
> snobs in the Tory party! But this, of course is, ignored. I have a good
> friend who's very active in the Labour Party and in its left wing -
> Momentum. His last name is Roger Silverman. Is that Jewish enough for you?
> He says he has not experienced any anti-Semitism in the LP nor in Momentum.
> The claims are largely based on Corbyn's opposition to the racist State of
> Israel. Many of those claims originate from the Israeli supporters. And now
> socialists are going to join in on that? Here are a couple of articles
> dealing with those claims:
> https://www.hotpress.com/opinion/eamonn-mccann-jeremy-corbyn-anti-semitism-row-22752609
> Roger, himself, has written something on the issue. It is here:
> https://oaklandsocialist.com/2018/04/06/corbyn-an-anti-semite-roger-silverman-comments/
> As for Corbyn: Yes, his position on Syria is confused at best. But let's
> not overlook is overall role. This has been to bring a whole layer of
> idealistic and angry youth into political activism and to oppose austerity.
> If he becomes the next Prime Minister, I think many of these same youth
> will not stand passively by if the new government supports Assad, as
> Western imperialism in general is doing today. Both the Conservatives and
> the Blairites in the LP have been looking for a way to undermine Corbyn
> ever since he rose to prominence. Are we really going to join in on that
> chorus, the same chorus that conflates opposition to Zionism and the racist
> State of Israel with anti-Semitism? Really?
> John Reimann
> --
> *“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
> Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
> Check out:https:http://oaklandsocialist.com also on Facebook
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