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I have read the book WE ARE INDIVISIBLE and believe that the STRUCTURE of
the indivisible movement(s) [plural!] forms the basis of what Mark
describes he tried to do in Ohio --- they are people who meet face to face
regularly --- their job is NOT just to run candidates - though they have
done that for sure -- but to PRESSURE people in office (and that includes
DEMS --- lots of local demonstrations are aimed at FORCING Dems to be more
resistant to the Republican agenda --- I would bet that is the reason the
so-called "moderate" Dems in the Senate voted for impeachment --- they
guessed that a vote against convicting Trump will hurt more than angering
Republicans --- Senator Doug JOnes clearly recognized that he owed his
election to black women and he needs them to tirelessly work for his
re-election if he is to stand a chance ---)

The book ends with a rather high quality democratic (small "d") reform
agenda --- doesn't come close to a truly radical economic and social agenda
but it is a way of channeling energy into something useful ---

I recommend that book highly -- it can be read in almost one sitting!
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