>Press Agency Ozgurluk
>In Support of the Peoples Liberation Struggle in Turkey and Kurdistan


>  23 JULY 2000 Sunday
>    Turkey
>Police detained 19 protestors on Saturday when they attempted to hold
>an illegal demonstration to protest the F type prisons in front of
>Galatasaray High School in Istanbul. Police interfered when the
>protestors chanted slogans and they tried to read out a press
>statement. Police finally detained all the protestors when they
>refused to disperse and took them to the Anti-Terrorism Department.
>  24 JULY 2000 Monday
>    Turkey
>Police detained six members of the outlawed DHKPC organisation, among
>whom were also the two persons who had set a coach on fire in protest
>of F-type prisons on July 18. All six were handed over to justice to
>the Istanbul State Security Court, and while two arsonists were
>arrested by the court, others were released to be tried without
>Press Agency Ozgurluk
>In Support of the Peoples Liberation Struggle in Turkey and Kurdistan


>From: Press Agency Ozgurluk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Summary of the political and economic news in the Turkish press this
>The Turkish National Intelligence Service (MIT) which has already captured
>head of the PKK terrorist organization, Abdullah Ocalan, and PKK members
>Sakik and Cevat Soysal, has finalized its preparations to crush PKK action
>Europe. MIT will carry out new security operations to capture Yasar Kaya
>28 friends, members of the so-called Kurdish Parliament-in-exile. /Aksam/
>Press Agency Ozgurluk
>In Support of the Peoples Liberation Struggle in Turkey and Kurdistan


>From: Press Agency Ozgurluk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Yesterday evening we had a rather good manifestion on the Dam-square in
>Amsterdam. Visits from internationalist comrades, not a single bad
>gathered quite some signatures.
>Unfortuanatly we still have no news about the Standoff at the prison in
>This is the statement that has been declared in English and Dutch
>Good evening everybody,
>We are here today to draw attention to the struggle of the political
>prisoners, at this moment incarcerated in Turkish jails.
>At the moment, and hardly  noticed by  the public in Europe, a struggle on
>life and death is waged in the Turkish prisons.  The Turkish regime, known
>for structural violations of the human rights, has launched the attack
>against the more than 10.000 political prisoners, jailed in the country's
>At the background of this struggle are the plans of the Turkish state to
>move all political prisoners to special prisons, equipped with soundproof
>isolation cells.
>This struggle has a long history  of brutal massacres against the political
>prisoners, committed by  members of the army  and the police force.
>The most recent, and nauseating, example was the attack on July  5 against
>the prisoners in  Burdur.  At 5 o'lock in the morning, the prison walls
>were blown up and the remains were leveled by bulldozers.
>As a result of this criminal attack by  the Turkish state, one prisoner
>lost his life in the explosion and another lost his arm.  In total, 34
>people had to be brought to hospital.  There they  were put under pressure
>to accept transfer to the new isolation prisoners or the denial of medical
>treatment.  All wounded prisoners were forcibly  moved.  This struggle is a
>matter of life and death for the political prisoners.  If the fascist
>Turkish regime has its way, and succeeds in moving all political prisoners
>to isolation cells, the means of the prisoners to defend themselves against
>the daily  violence of the prison guards will be gone.  Apart from this,
>the isolation as planned by  the Turkish state, has been condemned
>internationally  as "white torture".
>The democratic public opinion on Turkey  itself knows this all too well.
>No day  passes without people being arrested just because they  stand up
>for their imprisoned friends, comrades, children of loved ones.  We are her
>this evening to support them as well.  As might be known, the Turkish state
>only  knows one way  to react to the democratic opposition, whether they
>are union activists, human right activists, activists for the fights  of
>the Kurdish people, of just people who want more democracy:  they  all risk
>the chance to be murdered by  death squads, to be arrested and subjected to
>the most gruesome kind of torture.  They  also risk to be condemned to long
>prison sentences, charged with terrorism or separatism, proof or not.
>That's the reason why  there are now more than 10.000 political prisoners
>in Turkish jails.
>Although the fact that Turkey  is one of the countries with the worst
>record concerning human rights, the Western countries act as if they  are
>deaf and constantly  praise the Turkish state and its so-called "improving"
>human rights situation.
>The Western countries continue to sell arms to Turkey, special Turkish army
>units are trained by  the West in country  insurgency, and secret services
>all over Europe systematically  monitor human rights activists, Kurds, and
>revolutionaries from Turkey.  There is a joint effort to criminalise the
>democratic opposition of Turks and Kurdish Turks. Dozens of Turks and Kurds
>are at the moment in jail in Europe while Turkish government members and
>hangmen, up to their neck in the drug trade, are received on the highest
>level, with all regards.  People who ask for political asylum are being
>send back to Turkey  where they, in many  cases, await torture and death.
>We call upon the public opinion to put pressure on their trade unions and
>political parties to act now.  The legitimate struggle of the political
>prisoners in Turkey  will continue.  The prisoners already  announced that
>theywill resist, if need be massively  and armed.  We call upon to use all
>available means in order to prevent another bloody  massacre.
>Press Agency Ozgurluk
>In Support of the Peoples Liberation Struggle in Turkey and Kurdistan

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