----- Original Message ----- 
From: Walter Lippmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 28, 2000 5:18 AM
Subject: [Cuba SI] Oakland and Santiago are Sister Cities!

From: Karen Lee Wald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2000 9:15 PM
Subject: Oakland, California and Santiago de Cuba are Sister Cities!

Two days after the celebration of the 485th anniversary of the
founding of the City of Santiago de Cuba, and one day after the July
26th celebration of the gunshots that touched off the revolutionary
war led by Fidel Castro against the Fulgencio Batista dictatorship in
1953, history was made again in this city of heroes and hospitality
when the mayors of the cities of Oakland, California and Santiago
formally signed a Sister Cities pact.

The formal proclamation read by Oakland Mayor Jerry Brown, states:

On this day, the 27th of July in the year 2000,

Dismayed by growing injustice, mindless armaments, assaults on
nature and the flood of useful things which make people ever more
useless, and

Certain of the beauty of hospitality and the good that comes from
strangers receiving one another, and

Considering that Oakland has established Sister City relations with
cities in the Peoples Republic of China, Japan, Russia and Ghana and

Considering that Santiago de Cuba has established Sister City
with cities in Argentina, Mexico, Spain and Italy, and

Whereas Oakland and Santiago de Cuba share many similarities
including world renowned artists and musicians and a magnificent
bay where mountains meet the ocean, and

Whereas the elected Council of Oakland passed a resolution on
May 5, 1998, enccouraging people-to-people diplomacy with the
citizens of Santiago de Cuba, and calling upon the United States
Congress and President Clinton to end sanctions and move swiftly
to normalize relations with Cuba,

Be it resolved that the Mayor of Oakland, California and the President
of the Municipal Assembly of Santiago de Cuba declare that their
respective cities will accept each other as Sister Cities in the

--Foster people-to-people exchanges involving teachers, scholars,
scientists, musicians, painters, dancers, poets, philosophers,
and those interested in urban agriculture.

-- Take the necessary steps to hasten the day when our two countries
will enjoy the full benefits that our close proximity calls for.

Browns counterpart, Nicolas Carbonell Igarza, quoted Cubas
national hero Jose Marti, referring to the new kind of politics the
century independence leaders were promoting, as "more sincere,
stronger, and more invincible when it is the people who understand
it and carry it out". Carbonell continued "the sister city agreement
between the cities of Oakland, California and Santiago de Cuba has
its roots in the friendship that unites people".  He noted that the
cities share many common features, both geographic and cultural,
and that this will facilitate all the exchanges called for in the

Although the relationship is supposed to be essentially cultural,
not political, Carbonell noted that"Currently neoliberal
is growing stronger throughout the world. For us," he explained,
"the most important issue is to globalize friendship, solidarity and
humanism among the peoples of Our America and of the world, as
well as to continue our fight against the economic blockade, the
Cuban Adjustment Act, and other laws that affect the development
and stability of our economy and people."

The Santiago leader expressed optimism for the future, saying
that this friendship agreement would "open the doors to the full
development of friendship between the peoples of Cuba and the
United States."

He also thanked the US-Cuba Friendship Association, which has been
promoting sister city relationships between the two countries despite
hesitation and opposition by the American members of the International
Sister Cities Association, presenting gifts to Lisa Valanti and Clare
Weaver, national and regional leaders of the USCFA in recognition of
their tireless work in bringing this about.

The California group was also represented by a citizens'committee,
generally considered the backbone of any real sister city
James Sweet, president of the Oakland-Santiago Association, told
their Cuban hosts that the group was "overwhelmed by your warm
and charming welcome" by the people in the he places they'd
visited. He said they would be leaving with a deep sense of
responsibility and commitment to sharing of culture and resources,
and to creating opportunities"to make a substantial difference".
He presented a plaque to the Mayor of Santiago. Earlier, the two
mayors had presented gifts to each other.

Former California governor and current mayor of Oakland, Edmund
"Jerry" Brown, long known as a maverick in political circles, chose
Phillip Agees new"Cubalinda.com" internet travel agency to handle
the groups travel and lodgings in Cuba. Agee unabashedly thumbs his
nose at US travel restrictions by offering to help Americans find ways
to travel to and within Cuba, whether or not they have applied for US
government licenses to do so.

Also accompanying the Oakland mayors delegation  was a group of
black and Latino teenagers called "TEAM" who sang, danced, read poetry
and did an exhibit of Kapuera for the more than 100 invited guests.
Prompted by Oakland wheelchair activists Jane Jackson, who originated
Oaklands first "friendship declaration" with Santiago in 1994, and
led by young Puerto Rican-American Khalil Jacobs, the teenage group
made a strong impression on their Cuban hosts, who commented on
the importance of young people carrying this relationship on in the
future.  Jerry Brown urged Santiago leaders to help provide art,dance
and music teachers for a new charter school he will be opening in
Oakland next June.

On their return to Havana before leaving the country the group, which
toured historic and cultural centers in Santiago, hopes to meet with
Cuban president Fidel Castro, as well as visit urban planning and
organic agricultural centers in the capital.

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