Putting Australia and the World at Risk

US National Missile Defence

In Australia recently to give the Howard Government its orders,
US Defence Secretary Cohen stated that the US "expects" Australia
to be "very much involved" in the US missile defence system and
to increase military spending.

by Dr Hannah Middleton

The target of the US Star Wars program, now renamed National
Missile Defence (NMD), is China.

NMD is not a benign, defensive nuclear umbrella. It is a
controversial space battle system, an offensive program that aims
to provide a shield behind which the US could fire its nuclear
arsenal at an enemy. In other words, it is intended to allow the
US to attack other countries with impunity, without fear of

Armaments corporations

The program's most important and influential proponents are the
armaments corporations which will make billions of dollars if it
goes ahead.

With $12.7 billion already committed if the system is deployed
and the prospects of tens of billions more, the armaments
industry is making large political donations.

According to the Center for Responsive Politics, Boeing, the lead
contractor for the missile defence program, had already given
over $290,000 to federal candidates by February of this year.

Raytheon, which is building the kill vehicle, has already given
over $140,000.

Lockheed Martin is the lead contractor for SBIRS High, one of the
proposed systems' satellite components. It has already given over
$377,000 to election 2000 campaigns, making it the third largest
corporate contributor in the country.

George Bush is using NMD as a political ploy against his rival Al
Gore in the lead up to the Presidential elections.

Decision already made

There is considerable talk about "If a positive decision is
made.....". The Australian Government has used the same approach
to conceal its support for NMD by suggesting it is waiting for a
final decision by the US Government before it makes its own

This is a farce. The decision has already been made.

The National Missile Defense Act of 1999, signed by Clinton in
July, states that it is US policy to deploy a limited NMD system
"as soon as technologically feasible".

Thus, a negative decision will simply be to delay deployment
until an unspecified date in the future.

Pine Gap

US Defence Secretary William Cohen said on July 16, during his
visit to Australia, that Pine Gap had been "very much" involved
in NMD since October 1999.

The admission was less than the full truth for Pine Gap will be
the front line of the planned tracking and missile defence

This will make Australia a front line nuclear target.

Cohen's statement was also a total fabrication historically.

Pine Gap, which has been operated by US intelligence since 1968,
is a CIA intelligence base. It is one of the largest and most
important US satellite ground control stations in the world.

It controls a small number of geostationary signals intelligence
satellites, the most secret of all US intelligence collection

Pine Gap has been used to collect data on ballistic missile
launches for over 30 years. The satellites it controls monitor
missile telemetry and the exhaust plumes of missiles.

These two pieces of information reveal the type of missile, its
range, speed, trajectory and number of warheads -- all of which
is crucial information if missiles are to be shot down with a
Star Wars style system.

Over the years Pine Gap has quietly been converted into a front-
line base for the controversial National Missile Defence system

During a May 1992 visit, then US Defence Secretary Dick Cheney
(now George Bush's presidential running mate) confirmed that the
US bases in Australia would play a role in the Strategic Defence
Initiative or "Star Wars".

The Keating Government agreed to collaborate with the US in
developing the newer version of Star Wars, the NMD program.

In 1997 four ballistic missiles were fired from a secret coastal
site between Broome and Port Hedland in the north of WA, were
tracked by Australia's Jindalee over-the-horizon radar as they
travelled 117km through the air at high speed, and were allowed
to land in the ocean.

The 14m Terrier-Improved-Orion rockets were not armed and
simulated ballistic missiles similar to the Scud missiles fired
by Iraq during the Gulf War.

Flight International reported last month that the US and
Australia plan to build a major testing facility north of Broome
in WA.

The new range would allow the US Navy to stake a larger claim in
the "Star Wars" plan by testing ship-based anti-missile systems.

No real threat

The Pentagon claims that the NMD program is intended to counter
potential threats from so-called "rogue states" or, as the US
State Department now calls them, "states of concern", including
North Korea, Iran, Iraq, Libya and Syria.

But any country which launched a missile attack against the
United States would know that it faced national suicide.

Of the named "rogue" states, only North Korea could conceivably
field an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of hitting
the US, but it has not yet tested a missile-with-warhead that is
capable of doing so and it currently does not have a missile
capable of reaching the United States.

More importantly, the North Korean Government announced in June
that it was extending its self-imposed ban on missile testing and
that flight testing would remain on hold while negotiations with
the United States continue.

Arms control and disarmament

The Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty was signed by the USA and
the USSR (now Russia) and entered into force in 1972.

It obligates them not to undertake to build a nation-wide defence
system against strategic ballistic missile attack and severely
limits the development and deployment of permitted missile

The testing and deployment of the systems currently under
development by the USA threaten to undermine the ABM as one of
the cornerstones of the strategic nuclear balance.

US representatives are becoming increasingly strident in their
attacks on the ABM. Republican Jessie Helms, Chair of the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee, said recently: "If I succeed, we
will defeat the ABM Treaty, toss it into the dustbin of history
and thereby clear the way to build a national missile defense."

The consequence of this is likely to be the collapse of all
existing arms control and nuclear disarmament treaties. The
fragile foundation for recent progress in nuclear disarmament
will come crashing down.

Russian President Vladimir Putin recently told the Russian
parliament that if, "the US proceeds to destroy the 1972 ABM
Treaty ... we can and will withdraw not only from the START II
Treaty ... but from the whole system of treaty relations having
to do with the limitation and control of strategic and
conventional arms."

Chinese arms control ambassador Sha Zukang, told the
<MI>Washington Post": "Any amendment, or abolishing of the
treaty, will lead to disastrous consequences. This will bring a
halt to nuclear disarmament now between the Russians and
Americans, and in the future will halt multilateral disarmament
as well."

New nuclear arms race

Both Russia and China have repeatedly warned that US plans for a
National Missile Defense will lead the world into a new nuclear
arms race. Both countries have pledged to meet any US Star Wars
scheme by building up their nuclear forces.

Mr Sha Zukang, Director-General of arms control in the Chinese
Foreign Ministry, has said the US missile shield poses an
unacceptable threat to China's security. The US proposal would
spark a global arms race and the "nightmare scenario" of weapons

If China builds up its nuclear forces to counter NMD, India and
Pakistan are likely to follow suit.

We are on the brink of a new, more dangerous nuclear arms race.

It won't work.

Any country capable of developing a ballistic missile that could
reach the United States could also develop countermeasures, such
as decoys, that could foil NMD.

The multi-billion dollar Star Wars scheme will be completely
useless against the most likely threat to the USA -- a truck or
boat carrying chemical, biological, or nuclear warheads.

States would be likely to build larger nuclear arsenals to
increase their chances of simply overwhelming the NMD.

World-wide hostility

There is world wide hostility and resistance to the US plans.

The G8 Foreign Ministers meeting in Japan, the United Nations
Secretary General, the European Union, Germany, France, Sweden,
Russia, China, the Non-Aligned movement, and 50 US Nobel prize
winners are just some of the many who have expressed opposition
to NMD.

The Hiroshima Day commemorations this year will be the first
opportunity many ordinary people will have to voice their
opposition to NMD and large demonstrations are expected around
the world.

The only protection

The reality is that greater efforts for nuclear abolition and
arms control are the only protection against such threats -- but
the US clearly does not have the political will or commitment to
achieve this.

As the peace movement has argued for decades, indeed since the
first nuclear weapons were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in
August 1945, the only answer to the nuclear threat is to abolish
nuclear weapons.

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