----- Original Message ----- 
From: kloMcKinsey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2000 12:20 AM
Subject: Re: [MLL] US National Missile Defence

>> NMD is not a benign, defensive nuclear umbrella. It is a
>> controversial space battle system, an offensive program that aims
>> to provide a shield behind which the US could fire its nuclear
>> arsenal at an enemy. In other words, it is intended to allow the
>> US to attack other countries with impunity, without fear of
>> retaliation.

>That about says it all.  The rest is addenda, window-dressing,
>superfluous, fill-ins or specifics and any Russian, Chinese or other
>leaders with nuclear capabibilities who do realize as much are sadly in
>need of enlightenment, if not replacement.

>For the cause,


    I remember a television programme shown
    a few years ago where the US technicians who
    were involved in designing and building the
    original 'Star Wars I' were interviewed.

    The interviewer asked the technicians:
    "These new designs for space lasers,
    mirrors in space and so on - do you think 
    if they had been deployed they would have
    actually worked"?

    The technicians, who had been quite serious
    in answering the questions suddenly looked
    at each other, one smacked his thigh then 
    both fell about laughing and 
    were unable to respond for a moment.

    Then, after regaining his composure the
    leading technician replied:

   "No Sir"


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