----- Original Message -----
From: Alan Dover <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2000 11:38 PM
Subject: [MLL] Ecology and socialism

    There is an exellent little piece writen by,
    I am completely certain, Frederick Engels
    in a book, I am almost certain, called
    Dialectics of Nature in which he describes
    how a forested area is chopped down and
    used for pasture for only 3 years before
    the rain washes away the topsoil and
    renders the whole area completely useless
    for farming or anything else.

    (I think this was in Colonial Territories)

    It describes in detail exactly how McDonalds
    etc are treating S. America today.

    This was written over 100 years ago -
    Dialectics of Nature is available, at least
    some chapters from the Marks & Engels
    Archives which is definately on the net
    somewhere ;-)


    All in all this is a jolly good read especially
    if you are interested in Science and



Comrade Rafael,

thank you for your reply and explanation. I never doubted your integrity
comrade but your explanation was necessary to preclude any misunderstanding
by any subscriber to the list.

I agree in general with what may be termed as "The Greening of marxism"
since it is the reflection of the peoples democratic reaction already taking
place in the womb of this old decadent society, a growing reaction to the
rape and despoilation of all the national resources throughout the world. In
my own country NZ. all our resouces have been and are being, pillaged from
Fisheries, Water (power generation) to our forests, each has brought into
being peoples organisations opposing this. It follows that socialism
will/must have ecological principles reflecting the peoples interests. Your
views I think are well in line with the principles of socialism and Marxism
on the subject. As a matter of fact some years back I wrote an article that
is highly relevant to the subject; I have never published it though I always
intended to. It is still in draft form but if you would like to view it I
will send it to you off line. Together we might make something worthwhile of
it. Good luck with your discussion and research on ecology and socialism.

fraternally Alan.

> Comrade Alan
> excuseme for my late reply or clearer explanation!
> When I talk about some reformulations of marxism I
> don't mean some revision of marxism but I think that
> as green left is promoting a very usefull discussione
> about enviroment issues it is necessary to discuss
> about some new ideas about for example "ecosocialism"
> or maybe "ecocommunism" it means almost same as
> communism but with more contain of ecological
> knowledge. I am actually reading a interesting book
>  edited by Ted Benton. I
> wonder if any of you know anything about it. I am
> interested in finding explanations to e.g the natural
> catastrophes in North of Corea if the socialism there
> had abused some ecological principles and if it has
> some relations to the drought problem. I think that we
> hav changed too much the nature in order to satify
> just peeoples needs both in capitalist system and in
> the old socialist countries. Therefore I think that we
> have to learn more on ecology as new science which did
> not existed in Marx's times, so it is natural that
> Marx did not studied or researched enought. I would
> love to diskuss about this subject if any comrade is
> interested.
> greetings Rafael
> >
> >      --- from list
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