>Also, I am trying to send files through MIRC and its not working
>correctly.. I am running oidentd, and my identd through MIRC works fine, I
>just cant send files... If anyone can help, please email me or respond to
>the list..

Most people who say they have a problem getting DCC SEND (or DCC CHAT) to
work under masq invariably have a mirc (or other IRC client) setup problem,
NOT a masq problem.

Here is what I tell Mirc users to do and find it solves the problem 98% of
the time.  Your mileage may vary :)

1) Disconnect from the IRC server.
2) Go to menu File|Setup ... Click on the IRC Servers tab.  Check that your
selected IRC server is set to use port 6667 (or one you have told the
ip_masq_irc module about).
3) Go to menu File|Setup ... Click on the Local Info tab.
4) Clear the text input boxes for Local Host & IP Address.
5) Make sure the checkboxes for Local Host & IP Address ARE checked. (IP
address may be checked but disabled).
6) Method: Normal
7) Connect to the IRC server again and give DCC send a whirl.


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