Michele Nicosia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Anyone in this list using kernel 2.0.35/36 can do a ping to some site
> to internet, and for the linux masquerade server can do a netstat -M? 
> What does it report???

Mine says:

  netstat.c: feature `FW_MASQUERADE' not supported.
  Please recompile `net-tools' with newer kernel source or full configuration.

I imagine many people on this list have not rebuilt their tools to
support masquerade.  I haven't bothered, because I use ipchains to list
out the connections, i.e.  "ipchains -M -L".  It works fine.

So, I guess I am not much help in resolving this problem, since I don't
see it.  But it appears that others do see the problem.

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